Monday, December 21, 2009

perfect snow !

We had and awsome snow on Saturday. The streets were clear but there was just the right amount of snow to have FUN ! It's was nice wet snow, the kinda snow that is great for snowballs ( the kind that could balck your eye ) and perfect for a snow man. Now I'm not one of those super orgainzed moms who has a little snowman kit or even thougth to buy a carrot when I saw snow in the forcast. Still I help out my little one with my ingenuity. We used and old pom pom for hair secured with a bobby pin. The beautiful facial features were crafted with bottons ( making memories from my scrapbooking days ) and bobbiy pins the I stuck through the holes.
Turned out kinda cute.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

up up and away

It's always so difficult to take photos of my own children. I do manage to get them done but they are never what I really wanted to accomplish. Here is an idea I had in my head for a while. I'm glad I got it done but I do wish I would put a little more effort into it. The stress of dealing with MY kids and the camera tends to get to me. Lucky I had a good friend help me take this.

Friday, December 18, 2009


We're gonna get lots of it. Can't wait untill the morning !!!!!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

an awsome new blog

just found and awsome new blog about candy check it out

an awsome new blog

just found and awsome new blog about candy check it out

Candy love / following a recipie

Making and following a recipe that is what this fun and easy project was all about.
I set up the work area ( kitchen table ) with lots of fun stuff to put on our pretzels.
White chocolate ( my fave ), Dark Chocolate , Milk Chocolate, crushed whoppers , broken up Reese's pieces, caramels,and m&m's. She got to write down different combinations of the candies and chocolates and then create them.

Starr got to look at the ingredients and create her own recipes.

This one was creatively named Candy Love

Candy love: pretzel, white chocolate , milk chocolate , Whoppers , and Reese's pieces.

When finished we put them in decorative bags and left them on the neighbors door steps.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Win a Tassimo Hot beverage system post a comment on totaly together reviews and you could win.

beads and salt ?

In the parking lot at school to day Starr spilled a bunch of crystal beads left over from an art project and insisted we pick them all up ( I told her I would buy her a new bag of beads ). It was freezing cold and windy there was rock salt everywhere because of the snow this morning and we keep getting strange looks. So now half of the elementary school thinks we were collecting the rock salt. Stealing rock salt out of the school parking lot now that is a whole new level of cheep :-)

Photo letters an awsome gift

I made this gift for a special friend. It's not a new idea but It's something I knew my friend would love. ( cable is their last name )

You'll be amazed how easy it is to find letters if you just look.. Some are a bit harder to find than other.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Loves to learn

Starr Loves to learn ! We do all kinds of fun learning activies. For the past few weeks we have been using School zone work books . I never make her do them. I just set them out and she picks it up and does them on her own she usally does 10 pages at a time. She loves how there is a Award certificate at the end of the book. We buy ours at United Art and education.

Garlic Turkey Burgers

Ok just to let you all know cooking really isn't something I enjoy to much I kinda to it because I have to. Somehow I did end up with a few dishes that my family really does love and this is the one of them. I'm very happy to say its my own creation...

Garlic Turkey burgers YUMMMY!!! even the kids love them

1 package of ground turkey it get the HoneySuckle White 85/15
2 Large table spoons of Minced garlic ( from a jar )
3/4 cup of egg whites ( or the whites of 3 eggs )
1/2 cup old london season bread crumbs

I just mix it all in a big old bowl and make patties.
The trick to the patties is you can't make them to thick. They don't shrink like beef so I make them kinda small and flat and cook them on a low heat.

There was enough meat left over to cook for lunch the next day.

The kids and I eat them with ketchup. Hubby uses A1 sauce.

My first post

Hey guys this is my first post ! I'm so excited about starting my blog. I can't wait to share with you guys.

Look hubby even posed for a pic to put on my blog isn't he sweet !